Friday, August 15, 2008

Another Friday off, what a good feeling! Well, of course tomorrow I won't be super stoked to work Saturday, but that's another thing. I've got all kinds of interesting plans for today -- maybe making some jam (lemon-blueberry or peach), vacuuming, grocery shopping, and stopping at the mall to look for a new purse. Trip and I are going to Chicago in less than two weeks (!) and I want to have a nice bag that isn't too big but can sling across my chest rather than just stay on my shoulder. I just have issues with weight on my shoulder. I think it's an inherited thing from my Mom.

We're going to Bengies tonight with the Young Adult's group from church. It should be a fun night with a couple good movies. I am probably the last person in America who hasn't seen The Dark Knight, but that will be rectified tonight. Plus there is Henry Poole is Here, which sounds interesting. Maybe not as good as Wall-E (which I'd love to see again), but still interesting. And I like Owen Wilson. This time I am planning to purchase the "outside food pass" for our car -- for only $7 I can then eat good popcorn, candy, and whatever beverage I want to bring. I was super surprised, but the popcorn at Bengies is not so good -- kind of salty and dry. And they also use the gross buttery stuff that ends up being too gloppy.

Most of all I am looking forward to vacation that is coming up in just eight days! Sure, we've been able to take a few long weekends here and there, but this will be twelve days off in a row! Yay!

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