Saturday, December 18, 2004

Can you believe it's a week before Christmas? Next week at this time, I'll be at home in Wisconsin, relaxing with the family. And I won't be back to work for ten days!

The holiday dinner went well, although I think it really depends on who you were sitting next to. Last year I got a good seat and had a good time. This year, I didn't get quite as good of a seat and it was okay. But dinner was quite tasty and I have one whole crabcake and part of another to eat on Sunday. I would definitely think about taking my parents to G&M when they visit, if they are interested in going to a good seafood restaraunt.

I've got a Christmas party to go to tonight with the young adults from church. Cute Church guy will be there and I'm kind of looking forward to seeing him again. He was at the Advent study on Wednesday and has recently gotten a haircut, which makes him look much less poofy on top.

And speaking of haircuts, mine went okay. I neglected to bring the pictures with me, so I was limited to saying "More layers" and the dreaded phrase "I'm growing it out." So my hair looks pretty much the same with a little bit gone. Telling the stylist that I was growing it out made me lose not a lot on the bottom, so even I can't even really tell that I had a haircut. Except when I wash it -- when adding shampoo, I noticed that it was a little bit shorter. So yeah. At least it was only $11. But if they've won the Best Hair Place in Baltimore...maybe I just got the wrong stylist. Oh well, maybe I can dye it myself over Christmas break. Look at me, I'm all wanting to be back in college and stuff. Christmas break.

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