Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Christmas was good. Flying was surprisingly okay, although a two hour flight can seem like a long time -- especially when the books I brought along we not quite entertaining enough. And I also did not get any books in Wisconsin -- so I had to make do with Martha Stewart Living back issues on the way home. Needless to say, they didn't last too long either. Too many pretty pictures for this speed reader!

Work is good. I found out before I left that I probably did not get the ILL job. Yippee! Although, yesterday I got to search OCLC for a magazine that we didn't have. And seriously, I missed it! It was so sad. But I got to search Passport with my "fin ti yardbird and pl baltimore/ser." Hee! If you're not OCLC command searching literate, I did a title find for Yardbird and a publisher location find for Baltimore and conditionaled my search as a serial. There was only one holding, at the U.S. Department of Labor Wirtz Labor Library. But I found it. I probably shouldn't miss command searching, but it is kind of fun. Like for an hour or two, just not the whole day.

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