Friday, December 22, 2006

The last day before a holiday always seems like the longest one ever. I am leaving for Wisconsin tomorrow afternoon. Today's my last day at work until next Thursday and wowie, is it going slowly. I have managed to complete just about everything on my to-do list and even cleaned out my email in-box. 20 minutes remain, so...why not take a quick break?

I do have some excitement to look forward to tonight. Trip's coming over and we're getting Boston Market food for dinner (just like last year!) and then opening presents. I have plans to make brownies, package cookies, and finalize my packing. Plus I'd like to watch The Shop Around the Corner because Slate reminded me that it is a Christmas movie too. Plus it's really cute and not as much of a downer as It's a Wonderful Life.

So that's it for me! Have a Merry Christmas!

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