Friday, June 16, 2006

Apparently posting every day is very Web 1.0. So by posting rather sporadically but with quality, I am very Web 2.0. Uh..yeah. An article that I read in my American Libraries Direct talked about this phenomenom. And since I am not at work right now, I am not planning on finding the article. Maybe tomorrow. (It goes to my work email...and I don't check it on my day off!)

Life's been busy lately. This weekend starts a month of busyness -- I work tomorrow, Saturday night I am staying overnight at church to help with out Interfaith Hospitality Network (we provide shelter to homeless families), and Sunday we're going up to Delaware so that I can meet Trip's aunt and cousin. Next weekend is the first in our series of "Four Weddings and a Roadtrip" that will be going on until November. And the first opportunity for me to meet Trip's high school friends which I have heard about. Kind of scary, but I guess no worse than going to a family reunion after only dating for a few months.

And finally, in July, it will be Trip's turn to be nervous (Finally!) as we are driving to Wisconsin for a week of fun. My parents will finally get to meet him and we'll (hopefully) see some of my friends from high school and college. I think it'll be really good for him to finally have an idea of the different places that I talk about -- being able to put a face with a name and everything.

So...that's my plans for the summer. Other than that, it's mostly just working! Yargh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am very disappointed that you have chosen to link to provocative pictures of yourself. I often hear of young women who post things like that on Myspace and wind up getting into trouble. A potential employer might see those pictures, or perhaps some weirdo on the Internet. But, I am not going to look at them. No, I'm not.