Monday, November 14, 2005

My elbows hurt today. I've never had this problem before, but it's like I've stretched them too much or something. I mean, seriously, how often do your elbows hurt? I would expect pain in my fingers or wrists or something, but never my elbows! And it isn't very comfortable.

Well, it's Monday again. I had a good weekend. A college buddy was here briefly and we had a good time out in Little Italy on Friday night and then out in Hampden on Saturday morning. I got a new necklace that is green and very pretty. Then we headed to Silver Spring so I could drop her off at the Metro station -- she was in town for a conference in D.C. So, it was a really short visit but I was happy to see her. Plus she got to meet some of the people that I work with and Trip and Trip's roommate. And I will be getting a few digital pictures out of it all. Yay!

Then I went home and ended up going out shopping with my roommate to get appropriate jewelry for going out on Saturday night to see Ben Folds at the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. It was really, really awesome. Because the orchestra served as the back-up band for Ben. And most of the songs were ones that I knew -- some Ben Folds Five and quite a bit from "Rockin' the Suburbs." Good stuff. And we ended up going out for dinner afterwards at the Owl Bar in the Belvedere Hotel. It was actually quite tasty. And even though I was pretty tired from the busy, busy week, I think I was pretty cognizant.

So I'm working on putting together a Christmas list. I mean, I have a Christmas wishlist that includes a lot of expensive crap that I don't ever expect to get, but I suppose I should do one that is a little more manageable. I don't know...I feel like I don't really need anything. And what I do need is boring, like money for a car payment. I don't want that for Christmas. I want fun things!

Who knows? I just can't believe that Thanksgiving is next week. But once I get through this week I won't work a full week at the library until the beginning of December! I took the Wednesday off before Thanksgiving, which will give me a delightful (and slightly scary) Thanksgiving holiday. Why slightly scary?, you may ask. Well, I am not celebrating the holiday of the Pilgrims by myself in Baltimore. Rather I will be celebrating with a family reunion of people who are not my family. Yes, I'm having Thanksgiving with Trip's family reunion in Pennsylvania. But I think it'll be okay. I know it'll be okay. I'm just being overly dramatic because it's fun. And I feel like it's expected of me.

And then the week after Thanksgiving I will be attending a career counseling conference in...wait for it...beautiful Lancaster, PA, home of the Amish! Not so exciting, but I will hopefully make some contacts with people who can come to the library and speak about careers. That's my plan, anyway. Plus I get to learn how to speed-read people! How awesome will that be!! And a useful skill for someone who works at a public library!

Okay, my fingers are feeling kind of stiff right now, so perhaps I should stop typing and go rest. Maybe I'm just turning into an old person before my time.

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