Thursday, August 05, 2004

I retook that Find Your Spot quiz, and did not include a geographic preference. My list was quite different, and the top ten were:
1. Portland, OR
2. Providence, RI
3. Hartford, CT
4. Washington D.C.
5. New Haven, CT
6. Baltimore, MD
7. Boston, MA
8. Worcester, MA
9. Little Rock, AK
10. Milwaukee, WI
So! The moral of the story is moving to Baltimore was not such a bad idea. Well, maybe. Or perhaps I should take away from this that I am truly meant to live on the East Coast.

I'm on this new librarians list-serv and it's really depressing. The people keep complaining about not finding a job and the pay problems and everything. Now, I know I'm really lucky to have a job. I know it's tough to get one -- heck, I sent out over 70 applications and landed exactly three interviews. But these people should buck up! Honestly, I can only handle so much whining, and I'm thinking about unsubscribing because I haven't gotten anything useful out of the darn list.

Work continues to be slow, so I'm updating daily. I am starting kitty-sitting tonight, and it should be fun. Saturday I think I'm going to Earth, Wind, and the Baltimore Fire. If you click on the coming soon link, you'll learn more about the show. I actually work with the woman on the poster -- Holly who is crazy cool. It looks like fun and perhaps educational at the same time.

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